Circular Flow of the Economy

  1. 2. market type where goods/service are exchanged for money
  2. 4. the number 1 thing that affects you purchasing a good/service
  3. 6. entity that collects taxes from households and businesses
  4. 9. prices go up quantity supplied goes up
  5. 11. another name for equilibrium price
  6. 12. placing your money in the bank
  7. 14. prices go up quantity demanded goes down
  8. 15. given to households by businesses for L,L,C,E
  9. 16. number of sellers in a market
  10. 18. incentive in the market for a producer
  1. 1. this could be raw materials, wages, or natural disasters
  2. 3. used to describe the US economic actors
  3. 5. this always increases supply
  4. 7. main role of money in the economy
  5. 8. incentive in the market for a consumer
  6. 10. comparing prices of goods and services
  7. 13. market type where labor is supplied to businesses
  8. 17. advertising and marketing influence this
  9. 18. the language between consumers and producers