Circulatory and Respiratory System

  1. 2. The small blood vessels that surround the alveoli
  2. 6. the type of blood carried by arteries.
  3. 9. Your "voice box" is located here.
  4. 11. The only vein to carry oxygenated blood in your body.
  5. 13. Found in the blood, these cells help clot blood.
  6. 15. What is the term for when Oxygen from the alveoli and carbon dioxide from the capillaries exchange places?
  7. 16. Tube with cartilage rings that connects to the bronchi
  1. 1. The flap of tissue the covers the trachea when you swallow.
  2. 3. The smaller branches after the bronchi.
  3. 4. The bottom part of the heart that is thick walled.
  4. 5. Cava The two large veins where deoxygenated blood enters into the heart from the body.
  5. 7. The top chambers of the heart.
  6. 8. Flaps of tissue that prevent blood backflow, can be found in the heart and veins.
  7. 10. Hemoglobin, found in red blood cells, is a type of...
  8. 11. The liquid portion of blood.
  9. 12. When molecules go from an area of high to low concentration, with the gradient, this is what type of transport?
  10. 14. The blood cells that help fight infection.