Circulatory and Respiratory System

  1. 5. carry blood away from the heart
  2. 7. moves blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart
  3. 8. A flap of tissue that prevents the backflow of blood
  4. 10. supplies nutrients to all the tissues of the body except for heart and lungs
  5. 11. the smallest blood vessels where the exchange of oxygen occurs in the lungs
  6. 13. Branches into 2 tubes. The esophagus goes to the stomach and the trachea to the lungs.
  7. 16. Two large sponge-like organs that contain bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli.
  8. 17. Two tubes that branch from the trachea. One goes to the left and one to the right lung.
  9. 18. Passage for air from the larynx to the lungs
  1. 1. Smaller branches from the bronchi that lead to tiny sacks called alveoli
  2. 2. Dome-Shaped muscle under the lungs. Contracts and relaxes when you inhale and exhale.
  3. 3. Our_____ has four chambers it consists of two _______ and two __________, and is divided into right and left sides.
  4. 4. the main function is to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissue and remove waste products like carbon dioxide
  5. 6. movement of blood from through the tissues of the heart
  6. 9. carry blood toward the heart
  7. 12. Contains vocal chords that vibrate to make sound. The epiglottis guards the entrance to the lungs.
  8. 14. Main passageway for oxygen to enter and exit the body
  9. 15. At the end of bronchioles by capillaries. Where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.