Circulatory and Respiratory system

  1. 5. liquid substance of the circulatory system
  2. 6. also called voice box
  3. 8. air that's been exhaled by nasal cavity
  4. 12. chemical process in which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
  5. 14. the two lower heart chambers
  6. 15. the two upper heart chambers
  7. 20. carries blood away from the heart
  8. 22. main ingredients of the cigarette
  9. 23. scientific name of red blood cells
  10. 26. also called as windpipe
  11. 27. main organ of the respiratory system
  12. 29. addictive substance found inside the cigarettes
  13. 30. letting air reach the alveoli
  1. 1. here's where oxygen and nutrients are exchanged
  2. 2. brings Deoxygenated Blood to your heart to get Oxygen
  3. 3. circulate blood throughout your body
  4. 4. chemical Process of Pumping air into and out of the lungs
  5. 7. carries the oxygenated blood from the body to the heart
  6. 9. scientific name of white blood cells
  7. 10. biggest artery
  8. 11. scientific name of blood platelets
  9. 13. it is a yellowish fluid inside the heart
  10. 16. way for oxygen to enter the body
  11. 17. main organ of the circulatory system
  12. 18. also called as throat
  13. 19. best way to inhale oxygen
  14. 21. liquid substance inside the nasal cavity
  15. 24. substance that is found in the smokers teeth
  16. 25. colorless or yellow liquid chemical at room temperature
  17. 28. muscle that helps you inhale and exhale