Circulatory & Respiratory System

  1. 2. protects your lungs and heart
  2. 4. your heart is as big as this:
  3. 7. this system is made up of the mouth, nose, lungs, etc. It's what makes us breathe
  4. 8. this habit can damage your lungs
  5. 10. this system is made up of the heart, arteries, and blood vessels.
  6. 11. this organ pumps oxygen rich blood throughout your body
  7. 12. You have two of these, which take in air.
  1. 1. brings deoxygenated blood back to the heart
  2. 3. takes oxygen rich blood away from the heart
  3. 5. Ms. Asaro's favorite Disney Villain
  4. 6. connect arteries to veins. Gives nutrients to cells and removes waste.
  5. 9. You inhale this in to live.
  6. 10. when you exhale you get rid of this.