Circulatory System

  1. 3. Pumping chambers of the heart
  2. 8. Collects blood from capillaries
  3. 12. red blood cell
  4. 14. Largest artery
  5. 17. slow heartbeat
  6. 18. Blood exchange occurs
  7. 19. Carries blood away from the heart
  8. 20. low blood pressure
  9. 22. Refers to the lungs
  10. 23. High Blood Pressure
  11. 24. Decreased blood volume
  12. 26. Innermost Membranous layer of the pericardium
  13. 27. Heart muscle
  14. 28. refers to the heart
  15. 29. white blood cell
  1. 1. Blood coagulation
  2. 2. bleeding
  3. 4. Refers to arteries of the heart
  4. 5. forms clots
  5. 6. carries blood Towards the heart
  6. 7. Receiving chambers of the heart
  7. 9. Movement of blood
  8. 10. Leads to capillaries
  9. 11. Controls blood movement
  10. 13. Enlarged Heart
  11. 15. inflamed veins
  12. 16. Cut-off of blow flow to the brain
  13. 21. Fast heartbeat
  14. 25. Membranous sac covering the heart