circulatory system

  1. 3. part of heart that collects blood
  2. 5. the smallest form of blood vessel
  3. 8. this can clog your arteries
  4. 10. these deliver blood with oxygen
  5. 11. the top number in blood pressure readings
  6. 12. blood cell that carries oxygen
  7. 15. liquid that carries all we need to our body
  8. 16. the system that is concerned with blood flow
  9. 17. part of heart that pumps blood
  10. 18. carries blood back to heart
  1. 1. large artery at top of heart
  2. 2. also know as hardening of artery
  3. 4. high blood sugar
  4. 6. blood cells that attack germs
  5. 7. the organ that pumps blood
  6. 9. the bottom number in this health measurement
  7. 13. a health concern with two numbers
  8. 14. device in heart that allows blood to move