Circulatory/Respiratory System

  1. 2. respiration exchange of gasses between the blood and body's cells
  2. 4. the mechanical movement of air going into and out of your lungs
  3. 8. the muscle your heart is made of
  4. 9. tiny air sacs in the lungs
  5. 10. recognizes disease-causing organisms and fights them
  6. 12. respiration exchange of gasses between the atmosphere and the blood
  7. 15. thick blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  1. 1. connect the arteries and veins, transports blood, nutrients, and oxygen
  2. 3. contains iron protein and gives red blood cells its color
  3. 5. carries oxygen to your bodies cells
  4. 6. tube that carries air to the lungs
  5. 7. hair-like structures that move microbes out of your air way
  6. 11. voice box
  7. 13. carries glucose, fats, vitamins, minerals, hormones, and waste
  8. 14. carry blood to the heart