CIS-107 Week 13 EC

  1. 4. The conversion of a table that is in third normal form to a table that is no longer in third normal form. Denormalizing introduces anomaly problems but can decrease the number of disk accesses required by certain types of transactions, thus improving performance.
  2. 5. An internal company network that uses software tools typically used on the Internet and the World Wide Web.
  3. 6. ______ lock. A lock that lets other users read locked data.
  4. 7. _________ lock. A lock that prevents other users from accessing the locked data in any way.
  5. 9. ____________ Records Act. A federal law enacted in 1978 that regulates the data retention requirements for all communications, including electronic communications, of U.S. presidents and vice presidents.
  6. 11. _______-sensitive help. The assistance a DBMS provides for the particular feature being used at the time a user asks for help.
  7. 14. Disaster ________ plan. A plan that specifies the ongoing and emergency actions and procedures required to ensure data availability, even if a disaster occurs.
  8. 15. _______ Act. A federal law enacted in 2001 that specifies data retention requirements for the identification of customers opening accounts at financial institutions, allows law enforcement agencies to search companies’ and individuals’ records and communications, and expands the government’s authority to regulate financial transactions.
  9. 18. Securities and Exchange _________. The governmental entity responsible for Rule 17a-4, that specifies the retention requirements of all electronic communications and records for financial and investment entities.
  10. 19. A configuration of several computers connected together that allows users to share a variety of hardware and software resources.
  1. 1. Department of _______ (DOD) 5015.2 Standard. A standard that provides data management requirements for the DOD and for companies supplying or dealing with the DOD.
  2. 2. Data _______. A place where a record of certain corporate data is kept. Data that is no longer needed in a corporate database but must be retained for future reference is removed from the database and placed in the archive. Also called an archive.
  3. 3. An _______________ power supply (UPS. A power source such as a battery or fuel cell, for short interruptions and a power generator for longer outages.
  4. 6. The acronymn/nickname for a federal law enacted in 2002 that specifies data retention and verification requirements for public companies, requires CEOs and CFOs to certify financial statements, and makes it a crime to destroy or tamper with financial records.
  5. 8. ____ system. The hardware, software, and database that programmers use to develop new programs and modify existing programs. Also called a sandbox.
  6. 9. _________ system. The hardware, software, and database for the users. Also called a live system.
  7. 10. Acronymn for a federal law enacted in 1996 that specifies the rules for storing, handling, and protecting health-care transactions.
  8. 12. ___ site. A backup site that an organization can switch to in minutes or hours because the site is completely equipped with duplicate hardware, software, and data that the organization uses.
  9. 13. ____ site. A backup site that is equipped with an organization’s duplicate hardware and software but not data.
  10. 16. A device used to protect against hard drive failures in which database updates are replicated to multiple hard drives so that an organization can continue to process database updates after losing one of its hard drives.
  11. 17. The process of changing the database design to improve performance.