CIS 115: E-Commerce Security and Payment Systems

  1. 2. An overlooked or hidden entry into a computer system.
  2. 4. An attempt to defraud Internet surfers by hijacking a website's domain name and redirecting users to an imposter website.
  3. 6. Software that collects information about your computer and how you use it and relays that information to someone else over the Internet.
  4. 7. ______ key: In asymmetric encryption, an unpublished key used to decrypt messages that were encrypted with a public key.
  5. 9. A group of computers that have been compromised and brought under the control of an individual.
  6. 11. Ensures that e-commerce participants do not deny their online actions.
  7. 13. A program that can self-replicate and infect files and computer systems.
  8. 15. ___________ authority: In public key cryptography, a trusted third party who authenticates entities and their public keys.
  9. 16. An often malicious program that can copy and propagate itself over the Internet using email programs or other transport tools.
  10. 17. ______ key encryption. An encryption method using a public key to encrypt messages and a corresponding private key to decrypt them.
  11. 18. ___________ key encryption: An encryption method using the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt messages.
  12. 19. Ensures the information displayed or sent has not been altered in any way by an unauthorized party.
  13. 20. A computer overtaken by a hacker and used to perform malicious tasks.
  14. 21. _______ horse: A malicious program disguised as legitimate software.
  1. 1. An attack on a computer or network in which bandwidth is flooded or resources are overloaded.
  2. 2. ______-______ attack: A hacking method used to find passwords or encryption keys by trying every possible combination of characters until the correct one is found.
  3. 3. A security method that makes information unreadable to anyone who doesn't have a key to decipher it.
  4. 5. An attempt to mislead people into divulging confidential information.
  5. 8. Malicious software created by a hacker to restrict access to the computer system that it infects and demand a ransom paid to the creator of the malicious software for the restriction to be removed.
  6. 10. An exploitable defect in a software application or operating system that allows hackers to crash systems or use systems for their own purposes.
  7. 12. Determines whether a Web site is accessible and operational at any given moment.
  8. 14. A hardware or software device that controls network access and communications between a network and the Internet.
  9. 18. Occurs when hackers attempt to hide their true identities by using fake email addresses or masquerading as someone else.