
  1. 1. Place 5 (1): This _____________ is one of the main sightseeing stops for most people visiting this city.
  2. 3. Place 2 (1): The Capitol is an important building in this city and it is very _____________.
  3. 5. Place 1 (2): There is an important _____________ for the region located in this city.
  4. 8. Place 6 (2): My favourite place in the city was a light _____________ by Team Borderlab.
  5. 9. Picture 2 (2): In an exact straight line from the capitol, there is a _____________ of Abraham Lincoln.
  6. 10. Place 3 (1): The Centre Pompidou is a modern _____________. (two words, written as one)
  7. 13. Place 5 (2): This is one of the best places in Europe to go to the _____________.
  1. 2. Place 1 (1): This city is known being very _____________, it is even forbidden to chew gum there.
  2. 4. Place 7 (1): The One WTC is an _____________ presence in this city’s skyline.
  3. 6. Place 3 (2): It is located in the _____________, close to the Louvre. (two words, written as one)
  4. 7. Place 4 (1): On an island, people often stay in a _____________.
  5. 9. Place 6 (1): This city has a great number of _____________ that are often brightly lit with ads.
  6. 11. Place 7 (2): This bridge is a _____________ between two of the boroughs of this city.
  7. 12. Place 4 (2): Island life for the most part is very _____________, there is not much that will disturb you.