
  1. 4. In the industrial part of a city
  2. 5. This "town" is the historic part of a city
  3. 7. Way- A large road that connects the city
  4. 8. This is a zone with large wide streets
  5. 10. Political/ cultural centre of a country
  6. 12. A place to display historical artefacts
  7. 15. A smaller religious building
  8. 16. Station- A place for law and order
  9. 18. A place where you will find Ships
  10. 19. Way- A place to catch underground trains
  11. 20. Port- A place to catch a plane
  12. 23. A large city with connections to other towns
  1. 1. A place to read books
  2. 2. A large religious building
  3. 3. A place where you go when you are sick
  4. 6. A place to watch sports
  5. 9. Barrio
  6. 11. A residential part of the city
  7. 13. A tall building used for offices and flats
  8. 14. A place where you go to learn
  9. 17. Area just outside the city
  10. 21. Station- A place to create electricity
  11. 22. Station- A service that uses water