
  1. 2. Paul healed a man who fell asleep and died during a preaching service
  2. 4. Famous for the Isthmian Games
  3. 6. Supplied most of the precedents for Roman law of the sea
  4. 7. "House of God"
  5. 9. Manufacturer of writing material from sheepskin
  6. 11. Paul spent three years here teaching in the school of Tyrannus
  7. 13. Hometown of Goliath
  8. 15. Elijah fled here after prophesying a drought in Israel
  9. 16. The center of the Caesar cult
  10. 17. The City of David
  11. 20. Paul's ship sought shelter from contrary winds on his voyage to Rome
  12. 21. Meaning "hot baths"
  13. 22. Where Jesus raised a widow's son
  14. 23. Gaius' hometown, one of Paul's missionary companions on his third journey
  15. 26. The term "Christians" was first used here
  16. 28. Epaphras and Philemon were from this city
  17. 29. Seaport on the eastern shore of Cyprus
  18. 30. Paul was called Hermes and Barnabas was called Zeus
  19. 32. Capital of modern Greece
  20. 36. Port city of Philippi
  21. 38. "House of bread"
  22. 39. Where the kings of the world will gather to battle against the Lord
  23. 40. Where Jesus grew from boyhood to manhood
  24. 42. Island on which Paul was shipwrecked
  25. 43. The scene of a wedding during which Jesus changed water into wine
  26. 44. The road to this city is where Saul's conversion took place
  27. 46. Supported Athens in the Persian Wars but defeated her in the Peloponnesian Wars
  28. 49. Burial place of the kings of Israel
  29. 50. Home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
  30. 52. Simon Peter the vision of the sheet
  31. 53. Elymas was struck with blindness by Paul
  1. 1. Jews from this city stoned Paul
  2. 2. Birthplace and hometown of Saul (Paul)
  3. 3. Most dominant city-state at the time of the Macedonian conquest of Greece
  4. 5. Paul and Silas were imprisoned here
  5. 8. Home of Andrew, Peter, and Philip
  6. 9. A city rich with vineyards and wine production
  7. 10. "City of palms"
  8. 12. Chief city of Macedonia
  9. 14. Capital of Egypt
  10. 18. Produced a world-famous eye ointment
  11. 19. Capital of the Roman Empire
  12. 22. A church Council met here in AD 325
  13. 24. The transfiguration took place near this city
  14. 25. Cornelius was converted to Christianity here
  15. 27. Place where the believers came to meet Paul when he arrived in Rome
  16. 31. Hosted the Pythian Games (including musical competitions)
  17. 33. Base of operations of Jesus ministry in Galilee
  18. 34. One of the five "cities of the valley"of Abraham's time
  19. 35. Near the caves where Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered
  20. 37. 15 miles from Antioch, for which it was the port
  21. 41. A businesswoman named Lydia was from here
  22. 45. Where Paul met the Ephesian elders while on his way to Jerusalem
  23. 47. One of the cities of Decapolis
  24. 48. Where Jacob's well is located
  25. 49. One of the five "cities of the valley"of Abraham's time
  26. 51. Samson put the gates of Gaza on a hill outside of it