City of Hope Musical

  1. 2. Who did the angels bring the good news of great joy to? ___________
  2. 3. Song 5 says to sing of these beings __________
  3. 8. Mary’s cousin who would also have a baby was named ___________
  4. 11. We see that God ___________us because He sent His Son to be the Savior of the world
  5. 12. Song 3 is a song sung by whom in the Bible? ___________
  6. 14. What was this holy baby’s name? ______________
  7. 15. According to song 6, where did He come from? ___________
  1. 1. According to song 6, who ran to see the holy child? ___________
  2. 4. Song 5 repeats this word over and over_________ and it means Christmas or Jesus’ birthday
  3. 5. Song 1 says to arise and ___________for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you
  4. 6. What king is Jesus related to? ___________
  5. 7. The king of kings and Lord of Lords was asleep on the ___________
  6. 9. Song 1 asks for ___________ to come and rescue Israel.
  7. 10. Song 3 says that Jesus, the Savior & Lord is ___________
  8. 13. According to song 6, who had a baby boy? ___________