City of Light, City of Poison

  1. 2. author's last name
  2. 3. criminal lieutenant who is in charge of criminal division at chatelet
  3. 4. civil lieutenant who is head of chatelet
  4. 6. execution method
  5. 7. prison
  6. 10. prisoner believed to have written the letters
  7. 13. king's youngest mistress
  8. 15. one of dAubray's sons
  9. 16. prison and courtrooms in one castle
  10. 19. brutal interrogation method
  11. 21. one of dAubray's sons
  12. 22. poisoned her father and two brothers
  13. 25. name of the scandal
  14. 27. fortune teller who sold poison
  15. 28. loved by brinvilliers
  16. 29. athenais last name
  1. 1. minsiter of war
  2. 3. brothers who murdered tardieu and his wife
  3. 5. upper class
  4. 8. color of powder poison
  5. 9. prisoner who is voisin's nemesis
  6. 11. role other mistress played for athenais' illegitimate children
  7. 12. paris' nickname
  8. 14. king's name
  9. 17. la reynie's occupation before first chief of police
  10. 18. murder method
  11. 20. city's setting
  12. 23. king's official mistress
  13. 24. superintendent of royal buildings
  14. 26. king's nickname