Civics and Law Exam - Year 10

  1. 5. The organisation of a trial such that two opposing sides take turns presenting their case before an unbiased judge and/or jury
  2. 9. The party alleging harm and bringing the case to court in a civil case
  3. 10. Laws created by decisions made by judges
  4. 11. The person in a court room responsible for handing down a sentence or punishment
  5. 13. The other word for criminal law
  6. 16. Formal regulations of individual behaviour, generally set out in writing and subject to enforcement if broken
  7. 19. A reason for punishment which involves publicly condemning the offence
  8. 20. A reason for punishment which involves physically restraining the offender and preventing them from committing further crimes
  9. 24. The ability for a court to hear a case for the first time (two words)
  10. 25. 'R' stands for this word in a criminal case
  11. 26. Laws created by parliament
  12. 28. People hired to act as the best possible advocate for their clients position in legal proceedings
  13. 29. The process of applying to a higher court to get a case reviewed in the hopes of having the decision changed
  14. 31. A jury in a criminal trial is usually made up of this many people
  15. 33. Legal reasoning applied when making a decision (two words)
  16. 35. The case is brought to the court by the _____ in criminal cases
  1. 1. The obligation to prove one's assertion (3 words)
  2. 2. The other word for civil law
  3. 3. Evidence which complies with the rules of evidence
  4. 4. The primary piece of legislation in Australia which gives all levels of government throughout the country their powers of existence and their authority to make laws for the people they represent
  5. 6. The separation of powers divides the institutions of government into three branches: legislative, judicial and what else?
  6. 7. This court hears all summary offenses and minor civil cases
  7. 8. The Judicial Branch has power to make _________ about the law
  8. 9. An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances
  9. 12. This court hears civil disputes between $150,000 and $750,000
  10. 14. Other facts or examples commented on, but not specifically applied in making the decision
  11. 15. Collective behaviour or tradition that has been developed in a community over a long period of time
  12. 17. Doing, or failing to do something that a reasonable person would, or would not, do and which causes another person damage, injury or loss as a result
  13. 18. Murder, manslaughter and drug trafficking are heard in this court
  14. 21. Categorisation of courts according to strict levels of authority
  15. 22. The organisation of a trial such that the judge may intervene in the trial, present evidence or provide advice before reaching a verdict
  16. 23. Laws created by the relevant minister
  17. 27. The level of certainty and the degree of evidence necessary to establish proof in a criminal or civil proceeding (3 words)
  18. 30. A jury's verdict usually must be ______
  19. 32. Government and private organisations that help people resolve disputes concerning specific areas of law usually through negotiation or mediation
  20. 34. Who is the Greek Goddess of justice?