Civil and Criminal Law

  1. 2. 12 - 18 randoms citizens who decide the outcome of a trial.
  2. 3. The opposite of guilty.
  3. 5. Balance of _____ (civil law).
  4. 6. The name for a proposed law.
  5. 8. The name given to a law once it has been given assent.
  6. 9. To slander or libel another person.
  7. 12. Negligence is an example of this type of civil law.
  8. 13. The level of proof needed in cases.
  9. 14. The national parliament is also known as ____ parliament.
  10. 15. A decision made by a judge that guides similar cases.
  11. 16. The person accused of a crime.
  12. 18. The upper house of federal parliament.
  13. 19. Regulations that only apply to a particular group of people.
  14. 20. Compensation or remedy for wrongs done in a civil case.
  15. 23. Laws are designed to _____ people in society.
  16. 25. The process that courts undertake to hear a case.
  1. 1. The judge presides over this.
  2. 4. Law made by judges in court.
  3. 5. The person bringing a case to civil court.
  4. 7. The lowest level of courts in WA.
  5. 10. The leader of federal parliament.
  6. 11. Criminal cases need to be proved beyond reasonable ____.
  7. 13. Laws that are made in Parliament.
  8. 17. Murder cases are likely to be heard in this court.
  9. 20. The fear of punishment is a _____ so people obey laws.
  10. 21. Apply to a higher court to overturn a decision.
  11. 22. Bills go through three stages of this.
  12. 24. A formal rule that applies to all of society.