Civil Rights

  1. 1. focused on Self Defense
  2. 3. reaffirm white supremacy
  3. 7. marched in Washington DC in support of a civil rights bill.
  4. 8. made segregation illegal in all public facilities.
  5. 11. register African American voters.
  6. 14. not based on laws
  7. 15. American Indian Movement
  8. 16. Intimidated Blacks and Whites from pushing rights for freed slaves
  9. 17. Activist marched desire to vote
  10. 18. segregation did not violate the 14th amendment
  1. 1. Stressed pride in African culture
  2. 2. National Organization of Women.
  3. 4. civil disobedience
  4. 5. white and black tries to intergrate the public transportation
  5. 6. Belief that men and women should be politically economically and socially equal
  6. 9. Latinos fight back.
  7. 10. The arrest of Rosa Parks
  8. 12. served as the spokesperson for the nation of Islam
  9. 13. Eisenhower ordered federal to stand guard in little Rock to protect the students as they walked in.