Civil Rights/Cold War Review (P4)

  1. 1. another word to describe countries that are still "growing up"
  2. 4. hugely popular new invention from the '50s
  3. 8. peacefully pushed for equal rights
  4. 9. type of government that the USA follows
  5. 10. MLK's strategy for equal rights
  6. 13. popular toy for boys from the '50s
  7. 15. group that Malcolm X belonged to
  8. 18. wanted equal rights any way he could get it
  9. 20. popular toy from the '50s
  10. 21. popular toy for girls from the '50s
  11. 22. man who killed MLK
  12. 23. Malcolm X's strategy for equal rights
  1. 2. classic movie monster from Japan that arrived in the '50s
  2. 3. another word to describe rich countries
  3. 5. the imaginary thing that separated free countries from non-free countries in Europe
  4. 6. going to the edge of war without actually fighting
  5. 7. where Malcolm X went to prison
  6. 11. when you don't want something to spread
  7. 12. hugely popular rock and roll singer from the '50s
  8. 14. doing things secretly
  9. 16. type of government that the Soviet Union followed
  10. 17. where Malcolm X grew up
  11. 19. Malcolm X's real last name