Civil War
- 1. Lincoln president during the Civil War
- 2. important statement
- 4. states did not allow slavery
- 7. William T. Sherman Union general who captured Atlanta, GA, then marched through GA to the sea, burning and destroying everything on the way
- 8. Sumter located in Charleston, South Carolina, where the first battle of the Civil War was fought
- 10. first Union ironclad
- 12. gin machine that quickly removed cotton seeds
- 14. War fought between north & south, 1861-1865, also called the War between the States
- 16. states allowed slavery
- 17. Ulysses S. Grant commander of the Union army
- 20. decision to satisfy both sides of an argument
- 23. Robert E. Lee commander of the Confederate army
- 25. Union's move to block major seaports from the south, to prevent them from receiving much needed supplies
- 1. Johnson president after Lincoln's death
- 3. Davis president of the Confederate States of America
- 5. Court House, Virginia where General Lee surrendered to General Grant at the end of the Civil War
- 6. Wilkes Booth shot and killed Abraham Lincoln in 1865
- 7. battle that was the turning point of the Civil War
- 9. set free
- 10. first Confederate ironclad
- 11. ship covered with thick iron plates to keep cannon balls and gun shells out
- 13. referred to the US during the Civil War
- 15. Proclamation President Lincoln's announcement in 1863, to free slaves
- 18. city captured by the Union army so the north could control the Mississippi River
- 19. States of America name Southern states gave themselves after withdrawing from the Union, to form their own nation
- 21. capital of the Confederate States
- 22. Compromise decision in 1821 to allow Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state & Maine as a free state, to keep the balance represented in Congress
- 24. Whitney man who invented the cotton gin