Civil War

  1. 4. Which nation won the American Revolutionary War?(1 word)
  2. 5. Documents that declared the black person holding it as free.(2 words, no spaces, plural)
  3. 8. Who won the Lincoln-Douglas debate?(1 word)
  4. 10. act that forced colonial assemblies to provide for British troops in barracks and empty buildings(2 words, no spaces)
  5. 12. Those who are provided land and seeds by their landowner in exchange for giving the owner half the crop(1 word,singular)
  6. 16. Who became president after the Election of 1826?(3 words,no spaces)
  7. 17. What year was Nat Turner's Virginia Slave Revolt?(1 year, add y in the beginning/y####
  8. 18. Albany Plan of Union slogan(3 words, no spaces)
  9. 19. the primary weapon for both sides during the Revolutionary War(1 words, singular)
  10. 21. When was the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed?(1 year, add y in the beginning/y####)
  1. 1. the Union’s strategic plan to defeat Confederacy at the beginning of the Civil War(2 words, no space)
  2. 2. groups that revolted "No taxation without representation(3 words,no spaces)
  3. 3. Those who owned slaves(1 word,plural)
  4. 6. Those who opposed the use of slavery(1 word,plural)
  5. 7. This direction on a compass had a positive perspective on slavery(1 word)
  6. 9. who made a biased painting of The Bloody Massacre(2 words, no spaces)
  7. 11. Who won the Mexican-American War?(1 word, Plural)
  8. 13. An invention that made it easier to separate cotton from it's seeds in the 1790's.(2 words, no spaces)
  9. 14. Who passed the Missouri Compromise?(2 words, no spaces)
  10. 15. What region of people did Harriet Beecher's book,"Uncle Tom's Cabin influence?(1 word, plural)
  11. 20. What year was the Fugitive Slave Act passed?(1 year, add y in the beginning/y####)