Civil War

  1. 1. when people are made to do things they don't want to it is
  2. 4. When a person is murdered for political reasons.
  3. 6. A term meaning "before war". ...
  4. 7. The name given to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government. Also called the North.
  5. 10. A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were enslaved.
  6. 12. A nickname for the Confederate States of America or the Confederacy.
  7. 13. Another name for the Confederate States of America or the South. The Confederacy was a group of states that left the United States to form their own country.
  8. 14. A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
  1. 2. A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
  2. 3. A term used to describe people who supported the Union.
  3. 5. Putting the local interests and customs ahead of the entire country.
  4. 8. the U.S. is run by the
  5. 9. Slave Law A law passed by Congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners.
  6. 11. The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
  7. 12. When the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the country.