Civil War

  1. 2. first major battle
  2. 3. founder of the American Red Cross
  3. 4. Union general
  4. 7. North of the United States
  5. 9. South of the United States
  6. 12. troops,like the national guard
  7. 13. Union victory
  8. 14. president of the confederate states
  9. 16. formally withdraw from the Union
  10. 17. freed slaves in confederate states
  11. 20. politically motivated murder
  1. 1. Union general who led the March to Sea
  2. 5. Robert E. Lee surrenders
  3. 6. general who led the Confederate army to Bull Run
  4. 8. first shots of the civil war
  5. 10. freeing of the slaves
  6. 11. slaves states that did not secede/join the
  7. 15. a ship protected by iron armor
  8. 18. the Union control of the mississippi
  9. 19. Battle that split the confederacy in half and