Civil War

  1. 1. General for the Confederate Army.
  2. 3. A political party generally against slavery and its expansion into the territories.
  3. 5. When a person is murdered for political reasons.
  4. 8. general for the Union Army.
  5. 11. The term used for military supplies, such as weaponry and ammunition.
  6. 12. A smoothbore firearm fired from the shoulder.
  7. 15. turning point of the Civil War.
  8. 16. were loyal to the Confederate States.
  9. 17. A term meaning "before war".
  10. 18. A branch of the military in which soldiers traveled and fought on foot.
  11. 20. The lowest rank in the army.
  1. 2. declares all slaves in states in rebellion to be free.
  2. 4. A long blade or knife attached to the end of a musket.
  3. 6. Who was the president of the Union during the Civil War.
  4. 7. A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
  5. 9. first major battle in the Civil War.
  6. 10. Who was the president of the Confederates during the Civil War.
  7. 13. Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars.
  8. 14. the first ironclad warship in the United States Navy.
  9. 19. A Northerner; someone loyal to the Federal government of the United States. Also, Union, Federal, or Northern.