Civil War

  1. 1. used by Confederates to refer to people from the Northern states during the Civil war
  2. 6. surprise attack by people lying in wait for their opponents during the Civil War
  3. 7. military unit composed of multiple battalions or companies during the Civil War
  4. 8. individuals who advocated for the abolition of slavery during the Civil War era.
  5. 11. actions in the Civil War refer to strategies or operations intended to resist or repel enemy attacks
  6. 12. the Northern states during the American Civil War that remained loyal to the United States government and fought against the seceding Southern states.
  7. 14. defensive wall or bank used to protect a position during the Civil War
  8. 15. period following the Civil War during which the United States government worked to rebuild and reunify the country, addressing issues of equality and rights for formerly enslaved individuals.
  9. 17. soldiers who fight on foot, typically armed with firearms, during the Civil War
  10. 18. temporary leave of absence granted to soldiers during the Civil War
  11. 19. during the Civil War era were members of the political party that opposed the expansion of slavery and supported the Union cause
  12. 20. refers to a military operation aimed at attacking the enemy during the Civil War
  1. 2. act of setting slaves free, as exemplified by the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War
  2. 3. act of yielding to the power of an opponent during the Civil War, usually resulting in the end of hostilities
  3. 4. large caliber weapons used in warfare, such as cannons, during the Civil War
  4. 5. the Southern states during the American Civil War that seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America
  5. 9. disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, often prevalent in the Civil War due to poor diet and nutrition.
  6. 10. during the Civil War era were members of the political party that had differing views on slavery and states' rights compared to the Republicans
  7. 13. the Northern states during the American Civil War, which were part of the Union.
  8. 16. individuals who supported the Confederate States of America and fought for the secessionist Southern states during the Civil War