Civil War

  1. 7. an instrument used for fighting
  2. 8. set of laws easing tension between North and South
  3. 10. president of the Confederate States of America
  4. 11. a state where slavery was permitted
  5. 13. a war between factions in the same country
  6. 15. hard square cracker made of flour, water and salt; one of the major staples for both Northern and Southern soldiers
  7. 16. supporter of the United States Government in the Civil War
  8. 19. 16th president of the United States of America
  9. 20. fellow soldier
  10. 21. a soldier who fought with the Union
  1. 1. ground on which an army pitches its tents
  2. 2. person opposed to slavery and in favor of ending it
  3. 3. a state that did not allow slavery
  4. 4. connected series of military operations forming phase of a war
  5. 5. the union of the Southern states that had seceded
  6. 6. armed resistance to the authority of an established government
  7. 9. a state of being bound by law
  8. 12. slave who runs away from his master
  9. 14. an encounter of two
  10. 17. big gun, artillery piece
  11. 18. those states remaining loyal to the United States of America; the North; Federal; Northern