Civil War by Julie Poffenbarger

  1. 3. Southern Capital
  2. 6. President during Civil War
  3. 7. Only _____ could fight in the war.
  4. 10. The Union are from the ______ states.
  5. 11. type of ship used in Battle of Monitor and Merrimack
  6. 15. The north had more people and was more _______.
  7. 17. a place where guns are stored
  8. 18. conflict between people of the same country (2 words)
  9. 20. the Southern states' army
  10. 21. Lee surrendered here
  11. 23. There was a lack of this
  12. 24. Lincoln's address was done here
  13. 28. Union army leader
  14. 29. America faced a ______ on slavery.
  15. 30. declared slavery illegal (2 words)
  16. 32. refusal to give in
  17. 34. Confederate President
  18. 35. First battle (2 words)
  19. 36. Africans could only be this in the North
  20. 37. Confederate Army leader
  21. 38. outcome of Battle of Monitor and Merrimack
  1. 1. The north was more _______.
  2. 2. The Confederates are from the _______ states.
  3. 4. state West Virginia seceded from
  4. 5. ship used by Union
  5. 8. Amendment that ruled out slavery
  6. 9. The south was more _______.
  7. 12. system of selecting people for required military service
  8. 13. ship used by Confederates
  9. 14. took on more roles
  10. 16. the Northern states' army
  11. 19. era after the Civil War
  12. 22. guarantees prisoner the right to go to court (2 words)
  13. 23. Battle in 1862, southern victory
  14. 25. highest ranking Union officer
  15. 26. Country the war took place in
  16. 27. Thomas Jackson's nickname
  17. 31. one human owning another
  18. 33. product in short supply
  19. 36. South Carolina did this to North Carolina