Civil War Crossword

  1. 2. The idea that the South had the authority to nullify tariffs placed on goods.
  2. 3. The south had to fight a _________ war to win.
  3. 4. Who won the election of 1860?
  4. 6. Mainly the northern states, fighting to keep the Union together and to make slavery illegal.
  5. 10. Strategy used by the Union to try and take over the South; take control of mississippi river and split the South in two.
  6. 12. Abraham Lincoln said that he would stop the ______ of slavery.
  7. 13. The speach preformed by Abraham Lincoln stating that in order to end the war, slavery must be abolished.
  8. 16. Used to blockade and stop union ships from entering or leaving.
  9. 17. A person who flees or tries to escape.
  10. 18. The __________ __________ states that all slaves would be free as of January 1, 1863.
  11. 19. The man who created a march that burned and demolished many southern towns and cities.
  1. 1. The compromise that banned slavery north of the 36° 30' line.
  2. 5. When starting the war the Union already had an ____ and a ____.
  3. 7. The act that allowed Kansas and Nebraska to choose if they wanted to be a free or slave state.
  4. 8. The decision to consider slaves as "property" and they would not be free, even in states that didn't allow slavery.
  5. 9. Most people died because of ________ during the Civil War.
  6. 11. The bloodiest battle in American history.
  7. 14. To formally break away in a political state.
  8. 15. Mainly the southern states, fighting for the right to keep slavery legal.
  9. 16. The states that allowed slavery but refused to leave the Union.