Civil war crossword
- 2. month the civil war started
- 4. This battle was the turning point for the east
- 6. Wrote uncle tom's cabin (last name)
- 8. month the civil war ended
- 10. last battle of the civil war
- 11. This battle was the turning point for the west
- 13. Commanding general for the union (last name)
- 15. used by abraham lincoln to communicate
- 16. The states in the north fighting for abolition of slavery
- 18. The president for the confederate states (Last name)
- 21. first state to secede from the union
- 23. Murdered lincoln (last name)
- 24. number of states in confederacy
- 25. awarded medal of honor for valor in combat
- 1. awarded medal of honor for keeping the flag flying
- 3. number of states in union
- 5. confederate color
- 7. This freed all slaves in the rebellious states
- 9. General for the confederacy (last name)
- 12. union color
- 14. transportation used for supplies and troops in the union
- 17. He was the 16th president (Last name)
- 19. This was the first battle of the civil war
- 20. The southern states fighting for slavery
- 22. The civil war ended here