civil war crossword

  1. 5. Term for a Northerner who opposed the war effort.
  2. 6. Party/ The major political party in America most sympathetic to states rights and willing to tolerate the spread of slavery to the territories. Democrats opposed a strong Federal government. Most Southern men were Democrats before the War.
  3. 9. Loyal to the government of the United States. Also known as Union, Yankee, or Northern.
  4. 10. The effort by the North to keep ships from entering or leaving Southern ports
  5. 12. Freedom from slavery
  6. 14. A metal blade, like a long knife or short sword, that could be attached to the end of a musket or rifle-musket and used as a spear or pike in hand-to-hand combat.
  7. 15. Long, cylindrical metal rod used to push the cartridge down the barrel of a musket in preparation for firing.
  8. 16. Also called the South or the Confederate States of America, the Confederacy incorporated the states that seceded from the United States of America to form their own nation. Confederate states were: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
  9. 20. To formally approve or sanction.
  10. 21. Loyal to the Confederate States. Also Southern or Confederate.
  11. 25. Actively attacking someone
  12. 26. A soldier who was wounded, killed, or missing in action.
  13. 27. To practice marching, military formations and the steps in firing and handling one's weapon
  14. 28. A branch of the military using ships to conduct warfare. During the Civil War, “blue water” ships cruised the oceans and “brown water” boats floated up and down the rivers
  15. 29. Monkey/ A sailor (sometimes a child) who carried explosives from the ship's magazine to the ship's guns
  16. 30. A place where weapons and other military supplies are stored.
  1. 1. Troops, like the National Guard, who are only called out to defend the land in an emergency.
  2. 2. The cruel killing of a number of helpless or unresisting people.
  3. 3. Crop/ A crop such as tobacco or cotton which was grown to be sold for cash --not grown for food like corn or wheat
  4. 4. A ship protected by iron armor.
  5. 5. Gunboats using stacked cotton bales to protect themselves from enemy fire.
  6. 7. Also called the Union or the United States the North was the part of the country that remained loyal to the Federal government during the Civil War. Northern states were: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. West Virginia became a Northern state in 1863 and California and Oregon were also officially Northern but they had little direct involvement in the War.
  7. 8. Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery.
  8. 11. Also called the North or the United States, the Union was the portion of the country that remained loyal to the Federal government during the Civil War
  9. 13. The science of growing crops or raising livestock; farming
  10. 14. The long metal tube on a gun through which a projectile is fired
  11. 17. Resisting or protecting against attack from someone
  12. 18. Yell/ A high-pitched cry that Confederate soldiers would shout when attacking. First heard at First Manassas (First Bull Run) Union troops found the eerie noise unnerving.
  13. 19. Loyal to the Confederacy. Also Southern or Rebel.
  14. 22. To lie in wait for an unexpected attack
  15. 23. States/ The states of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri. Although these states did not officially join the Confederacy, many of their citizens supported the South.
  16. 24. To rush towards the enemy.