Civil War Crossword/Created by: Lenny Pearce

  1. 5. / A state of bondage in which African Americans (and some Native Americans) were owned by other people, usually white, and forced to labor on their behalf.
  2. 7. / The first ironclad warship in the United States Navy.
  3. 9. / When the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the country.When the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the country.
  4. 12. / Another name for the Confederate States of America or the South.
  5. 14. / An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
  6. 15. / A term meaning "before war". It was often used to describe the United States before the Civil War.
  7. 17. states / These states were slave states that did not leave the Union, but largely supported the cause of the Confederates. They included Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware.
  8. 21. / Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
  9. 22. / When a person is murdered for political reasons.
  10. 23. / A place where weapons and other military supplies are stored.
  11. 24. / Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars.
  1. 1. / loyal to the Confederate States. Also Southern or Confederate.
  2. 2. / A long gun with a smooth bore that soldiers shot from the shoulder.
  3. 3. / Resisting or protecting against attack from someone.
  4. 4. / Warship that the Confederates converted into an ironclad.
  5. 6. / A nickname for northerners who were against the Civil War.
  6. 7. / An army of citizens used during emergencies.
  7. 8. / Blanket or other bedding rolled up and carried over the shoulder by a soldier. Sometimes soldiers would include personal belongings in their bedroll.
  8. 10. proclamation / An executive order from President Abraham Lincoln stating that slaves in the Confederate states were to be set free.
  9. 11. / The name given to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government. Also called the North.
  10. 13. / A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
  11. 16. / A warship that is fully covered and protected by iron cladding.
  12. 18. / A long blade or knife attached to the end of a musket. Soldiers would use it like a spear in close combat.
  13. 19. / The cruel killing of a number of helpless or unresisting people.
  14. 20. / A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.