Civil War Vocab #2
- 3. separated North from the South
- 6. earthen defenses
- 9. tree trunks painted to look like cannons
- 11. two wheeled cart that carries artillery ammunition
- 13. most common Civil War rifle ammunition
- 15. to free from slavery
- 16. canvas bag used to carry food
- 17. warship protected by metal
- 18. bundle of sticks used to reinforce earthworks
- 21. fake attack
- 22. mobile artillery used to deceive enemy
- 1. Sherman's March to the Sea
- 2. the end or side of a military position
- 4. ironclad battle at Hampton Roads
- 5. Union Army's fishhook position at Gettysburg
- 7. wicker baskets filled with dirt for defense
- 8. soldiers posted on guard ahead of main force
- 9. supplied provisions and equipment
- 10. hat worn by Civil War soldiers
- 12. lighter artillery that fired more accurately
- 14. common Civil War ration
- 17. foot soldier
- 19. fire from the side of the enemy
- 20. earthen mound that shielded inside of fort