Civil War Vocabulary
- 2. of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Treaty that ended the Mexican War, granting the U.S. control of Texas, New Mexico, and California in exchange for $15 million
- 6. Polk: The 11th U.S. President, he led the country during the Mexican War and sought to expand the United States
- 7. Kansas: a sequence of violent events involving abolitionists and pro-Slavery elements that took place in Kansas-Nebraska Territory. The dispute further strained the relations of the North and South, making civil war imminent.
- 11. Ferry: john Brown's scheme to invade the South with armed slaves, backed by sponsoring, northern abolitionists; seized the federal arsenal; Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; Brown was hanged
- 12. the adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit.
- 14. Slave Act: a law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders
- 16. territory acquired by the Pierce administration to facilitate a southern transcontinental railroad and completed the lower 48 States
- 17. ruled that Dred Scott was the property of Sanford and, as a slave, was prohibited from suing in court. Chief Justice Taney gives his opinion that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Decision adds to sectionalism between North and South that will lead to the Civil War.
- 18. political party- anti slavery roots
- 21. expansion of slavery
- 22. Election 1860:lincoln wins, southern states begin to secede
- 24. States of America: the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861.
- 1. Loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole
- 3. the belief that an individual state may restrict federal authority, belief that because the states created the United States, individual states have the power to nullify federal laws
- 4. of 1850: includes California admitted as a free state, the Fugitive Slave Act, made popular sovereignty in most other states from Mexican- American War
- 5. Party 1850's:
- 6. Nebraska Act: this Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were proslavery and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the Act. This began guerrilla warfare.
- 8. Compromise 1820: Allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state, Maine to enter the union as a free state, prohibited slavery north of latitude 36˚ 30' within the Louisiana Territory (1820)
- 9. Scott v Sanford 1857:
- 10. Purchase
- 13. Douglas Debates: 1858 Senate Debate, Lincoln forced Douglas to debate issue of slavery, Douglas supported pop-sovereignty, Lincoln asserted that slavery should not spread to territories, Lincoln emerged as strong Republican candidate but lost senate election
- 15. American War: 1846 - 1848 - President Polk declared war on Mexico over the dispute of land in Texas. At the end, American ended up with 55% of Mexico's land.
- 19. Proviso: Bill that would ban slavery in the territories acquired after the War with Mexico
- 20. Brown violent abolitionist who murdered slaveholders in Kansas and Missouri (1856-1858) before his raid at Harpers Ferry (1859), hoping to incite a slave rebellion; he failed and was executed, but his martyrdom by northern abolitionists frightened the South.
- 23. party, unite regional political ideas