Civil War Vocabulary

  1. 4. Nebraska act: 1) an example popular sovereignty 2) The states could choose if they wanted to be slave states or free states
  2. 5. of 1860: 1) The final event that led to the Civil War 2) Abraham Lincoln, John Breckenridge, John Bell, and Stephen Douglas ran for president
  3. 6. 1) grew because of the cotton gin 2) abolitionist tried to end this
  4. 8. Atlanta campaign: 1) aka Sherman's march though Georgia 2) led two seep rate military campaigns in the state of Georgia
  5. 9. Stephens: 1) was governor of Georgia 2) unionist who resisted slavery till the very end
  6. 10. compromise: 1) the north and south allowed a state to be admitted to the union as a slave state then they added a free state 2) created the 36 30' parallel
  7. 11. 1) The "turning point" of the Civil War 2) The South retreated back to Virginia
  8. 14. 1) brought nothing but their labor 2) had to buy tools from the landowner
  9. 15. farmer: 1) owned their own tools 2) owned their own animals
  10. 16. amendment: 1) made African Americans citizens of the United States 2) required that African Americans are given the same rights as all U.S. Citizens
  11. 18. compromise of 1850: 1) California was admitted as a free state 2) the fugitive slave act was created
  12. 19. platform: 1) Led by Alexander Stephens 2) prevented a civil war for 11 years
  13. 20. Scott case: 1) A slave was suing his owner 2) the slave lost and was returned to his owner
  14. 21. codes: 1) laws that said blacks could not vote, testify against whites in court, and serve as jurors 2) they created the 14th amendment because of these
  1. 1. runners: 1) private citizens who took the risk of invading the Union blockade for the chance at huge profits 2) we're suppose to make it to Europe and back
  2. 2. plan: 1) aka the union blockade 2) prevented the south from shipping cotton to England
  3. 3. slave act: 1) the return of runaway slaves 2) was included in the the compromise of 1850
  4. 4. Klux Klan: 1) began 1867 in Tennessee 2) intimidated freed blacks and white republicans
  5. 6. march to the sea: 1) began November 15, 1864 and ended December 21, 1864 2) an attempt to capture savannah
  6. 7. 1) a Prisoner of war camp 2) located in Macon county
  7. 12. amendment: 1) officially ended slavery 2) due to the passage of this, Georgia was readmitted to the union
  8. 13. address; 1) a famous speech president Abraham Lincoln gave 2) after the "turning point" of the war battle
  9. 14. rights: 1) one of the major conflicts of the civil war 2) the amount of power the local and federal governments had to make decision
  10. 17. McNeal Turner: 1) most prominent black legislator 2) elected to the constitutional convention of 1867 and the Georgia House of Representatives