Civil War- Zak Swinson

  1. 4. General who planned an attack and led Union troops into Shiloh
  2. 5. capital of the Confederate states
  3. 7. plagued camp life and proved to be deadly
  4. 8. Eleven Southern states had seceded and formed the ______
  5. 9. major crop of the South
  6. 13. the North's biggest advantage over the South
  7. 16. made all men 20-45 eligible for draft
  8. 17. bloodiest single-day of fighting in the war
  9. 18. most of the fighting happened in what region
  10. 20. conflict b/t the Union and Confederacy
  11. 21. The states seceded in order to maintain this practice
  12. 22. President of Confederacy
  1. 1. The South was based on agriculture, but the North had the most
  2. 2. allowed to enlist in the Union Army after 1862
  3. 3. prison that held over 30,000 prisoners
  4. 6. this battle was the bloodiest engagement of the war
  5. 10. President Lincoln sent ships to S.C. b/c they were low on ___
  6. 11. President of the Union
  7. 12. slave states that remained loyal to the Union
  8. 14. the war begun in this location
  9. 15. some citizens of this state opposed secession
  10. 19. battle that increased confidence of Confederate troops