Civilization Classification

  1. 2. Civilization Ancient Mesoamerican culture with complex cities.
  2. 3. Empire Pre-Columbian civilization in South America.
  3. 4. Empire Dominant empire in ancient Europe and the Mediterranean.
  4. 5. Empire Vast empire in Europe, Asia, and Africa for centuries.
  5. 8. Empire Mesoamerican civilization with advanced cities.
  6. 9. Dynasty Chinese dynasty known for its contributions to culture.
  7. 10. Empire Indian dynasty known for advancements in mathematics.
  8. 13. Empire South Asian empire known for art and architecture.
  9. 14. Empire Eastern Roman Empire with its capital in Byzantium.
  1. 1. Age Era of Norse exploration, trade, and warfare.
  2. 2. Empire Indian dynasty known for unifying the subcontinent.
  3. 6. Dynasty Chinese dynasty with a golden age of culture.
  4. 7. Empire Largest land empire in history, led by Genghis Khan.
  5. 11. Empire Ancient empire in Western Asia with great influence.
  6. 12. Egypt Civilization along the Nile River, known for pyramids.