Classes At FHS - Part 2

  1. 4. All students are required to take this class in the P.E. department
  2. 5. If you like to pump iron and get a good workout in, this is a class to not miss
  3. 9. Juniors and Seniors can enroll in this class to be an office runner, teacherĀ“s aide, or shadow and explore different job opportunities in the Fremont community
  4. 11. If you want to learn another language FHS offers 4 levels of this class
  5. 12. If you enjoy playing competitive sports on a team, then make sure to take this class
  6. 15. If you play a stringed instrument and enjoy classical music, you may prefer to play in the
  7. 16. In this class, you will learn about different types of jobs and employment opportunities and programs that you can get involved in
  8. 17. If you want to learn about natural disasters, climate, and the environment, take this science class
  1. 1. If you would like to learn about the history, culture, and styles of music, learn about this in
  2. 2. If you like yoga, yard games, bowling,golf, and learning about different physical activities you can do as an adult in the community, this would be a good P.E. class to take
  3. 3. If you want to learn more about animals, consider this science class for the future
  4. 6. If you enjoy murder mysteries, this would be an interesting science class to try one day
  5. 7. In this class, you will learn about major events in American history
  6. 8. In this class, you will learn about political parties, branches and functions of government, and how government works
  7. 10. If you play an instrument, you may want to join the
  8. 13. If you want to travel to Europe, you may want to learn how to speak this language at FHS
  9. 14. In this class, you will learn about maps, countries, landforms, flags, and cultures of different countries