Classical Architecture

  1. 6. A rectangular architectural element that fills the space between two triglyphs
  2. 7. A pipe for conducting water under gravity flow. The term is often applied to the arched structure built to support the pipe across valleys
  3. 9. In the entablature, a horizontal band of sculpture (Doric has metopes and triglyphs)
  4. 10. A line of columns supporing a roof
  5. 12. The top part of a capital on which the object supported rests
  6. 13. The substructure of a building; a solid mass of masonry serving as a foundation for a wall or row of columns.
  7. 15. A porch with a roof supported by columns
  8. 16. A main beam resting across the tops of columns, specifically the lower third entablature.
  9. 19. The central and sometimes western part of a basilican church
  10. 20. Panel carved into three vertical bands, alternating with the metopes
  11. 21. A decorative architectural frame around a door, window, or niche consisting of an entablature and pediment supported by two columns or pilasters:A small room or structure used as a shrine—or a niche for a statue.
  12. 22. A column taking the form of a sculpted female figure
  13. 24. An order characterized by a sturdy fluted column and a thick square abacus resting on a rounded molding.
  14. 25. The almost triangular wall surface, ornamented of unornamented, between major architectural elements such as windows or arches
  15. 28. The central stone of an arch
  1. 1. The spiral scroll on capitals of Ionic columns
  2. 2. A recess, usually singular and semi-circular, in the wall of a Roman basilica or at the east end of a Christian church.
  3. 3. A supporting pillar
  4. 4. A structural horizontal block that spans the space or opening between two vertical supports
  5. 5. Ceiling recesses set in a geometric pattern
  6. 8. A high section of wall that contains windows above eye level.
  7. 9. Vertical channeling, roughly semicircular in cross-section, and used principally on columns and pilasters
  8. 11. Vault A series of arches forming a tunnel
  9. 14. This order's capital is characterized by the use of volutes. The columns normally stand on a base which separates the shaft of the column from the stylobate or platform.
  10. 15. The triangular face of a roof gable, often filled with sculpture
  11. 17. The most ornate of the orders, characterized by slender fluted columns and elaborate capitals decorated with acanthus leaves and scrolls.
  12. 18. A structure that spans a space and supports a load
  13. 23. A type of herb leaf that is the distinguishing feature of a Corinthian capital
  14. 26. One of a number of small, rectangular blocks resembling teeth and used as a decoration under the soffit of a cornice.
  15. 27. An arch rotated 360 degrees