Classical Greece & Macedonia

  1. 3. What were columns made of in Greece?
  2. 4. the Great Macedonian King that invaded Persia
  3. 6. Era after Alexander's death
  4. 9. Chief Greek god
  5. 11. Considered the greatest example of Greece architecture
  6. 13. Writer of History of the Persian Wars
  7. 15. First tragedian whose plays are known to us
  8. 16. Goddess of wisdom
  1. 1. Plays based on suffering of a hero
  2. 2. City named after Alexander in Egypt
  3. 5. War War between Athens and Sparta
  4. 7. Battle in which Greek soldiers fight Persians in a narrow pass
  5. 8. Expanded democracy in Athens
  6. 10. Philosopher sent to death for "corrupting" minds
  7. 12. Group that opposed work of philosophers
  8. 14. Games held to honor Zeus; every 4 years