Classical Mythology

  1. 1. book of maps
  2. 4. jolly, merry, good-humored
  3. 8. automatic and immediate repetition (echoing) of what others say
  4. 10. very handsome young man
  5. 11. shield or protection; auspices; sponsorship
  6. 12. prone to controversy; disputatious; argumentative
  7. 14. delightful; blissful; heavenly
  8. 15. jovial or wild with drunkenness
  9. 16. fantastic, unreal, impossible, absurd
  10. 18. medium or place for open discussion and expression of ideas- a public meeting, radio or TV discussion, editorial page, etc.
  11. 20. bully; intimidate with threats; bluster
  1. 1. exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; extremely delicious; excellent
  2. 2. cruel; harsh; severe; ironhanded
  3. 3. plant life; plants of a particular region or period
  4. 5. having colors like the rainbow
  5. 6. very difficult; requiring the strength of Hercules
  6. 7. full of confusing passageways, intricate, complicated
  7. 9. one who prophesies doom or disaster; pessimist
  8. 11. tall, strong, bold woman
  9. 13. animal life; animals of a particular region or period
  10. 17. airtight; secret; obscure; magical; mysterious
  11. 19. pertaining to or resembling the dawn; rosy; radiant