Classroom Objects

  1. 2. a utensil you use to write using lead
  2. 3. something you sit on
  3. 4. write with heavy ink
  4. 6. person teaching the students
  5. 9. go there to learn
  6. 10. used to hold folders and paper
  7. 13. bag used for school supplies
  8. 16. something to hold multiple pencils
  9. 19. an assignment given from homework
  10. 20. is a set of multiple pieces of paper
  11. 23. one object to write on
  12. 24. wear on your back to carry things
  13. 25. a person learning
  14. 26. to measure something
  15. 27. a person learning
  1. 1. required clothes
  2. 2. found in schools to put books and bags
  3. 3. a pencil with colored lead
  4. 5. place in school to eat
  5. 7. glass you look through found in houses
  6. 8. used to find places/directions
  7. 11. woman kid educator
  8. 12. guy kid educator
  9. 14. a stand to sit and do work at
  10. 15. used to erase pencil marks
  11. 16. a type of stand to sit
  12. 17. a specific room for learning
  13. 18. educated
  14. 21. a utensil you use to write using ink
  15. 22. thing that sharpens pencils