
  1. 3. can block, reflect, or capture heat
  2. 7. a tool that climatologists send into the atmosphere to collect information
  3. 12. what carries warm and cool air around?
  4. 13. the idea that gases released by human activity is warming the Earth
  5. 14. the coldest climates
  6. 16. the weather found in certain places over a long period of time
  7. 18. ________ impacts climate by hitting Earth unevenly
  8. 19. someone who studies climate
  1. 1. _______ satellites in space that send data to climatologists back on Earth
  2. 2. many things impact climate including _________ activities
  3. 4. climate determines what kinds of _______ can live in an area
  4. 5. can block the movement of air
  5. 6. climates that are found either north or south of tropical climates
  6. 8. climates that are found high in the mountains and have hot daytime temperatures and cold nighttime temperatures
  7. 9. land near a _______ has a milder climate than areas in-land
  8. 10. the part of the Earth that receives sunlight the most directly and the strongest
  9. 11. climates that are warm all year round
  10. 15. the study of climates
  11. 17. people use information about climate to prepare for natural _______