Climate Change

  1. 1. current conditions in an environment
  2. 3. long term conditions in an environment
  3. 6. revolution that accelerated release of CO2
  4. 10. long-term shifts in weather patterns
  5. 12. rise caused by melting polar ice caps
  6. 13. not a greenhouse gas
  7. 14. source of energy that drives earth's climate
  8. 15. remains of plants and animals from long ago
  9. 17. measure that attempts to adjust to a problem
  10. 18. become more acidic with with increased CO2 levels
  1. 1. heatwaves and drought increase frequency in
  2. 2. amount of light energy hitting earth
  3. 4. measure that attempts to prevent a problem
  4. 5. gas that damages the ozone layer
  5. 7. greenhouse gas that is a feedback mechanism
  6. 8. caused by humans
  7. 9. number of ice ages in the last 650,000 years
  8. 10. primary cause of CO2 in the last 100 years
  9. 11. traps Earth's heat at or near surface
  10. 16. have become more intense and frequent