Climate Change

  1. 1. Stratagies are designed to reduce emissions and stabilize levels of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere
  2. 5. Very dry and dense air, right above the troposhpere
  3. 10. Period of cooling that lasted from 16th-19th centuries
  4. 11. How much nitrogen is in the air?
  5. 12. Frozen sea water that floats on the ocean's surface
  6. 16. Contains the air we breath
  7. 18. Belt Underwater current fueled by the mixing of warm and cold salt water
  8. 19. The study of intentionally and artificially changing natural process of the Earth
  9. 20. Thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth
  1. 2. Ones that were released by human activity
  2. 3. Involves adjusting our lives to combat climate change
  3. 4. How much argon is in the air?
  4. 6. How much oxygen is in the air?
  5. 7. Any permanent layers of ice covering a tract of land
  6. 8. Period of time where Earth's overall surface temp is lowered
  7. 9. The only carbon that plants use
  8. 13. Formed as more ice is laid down each year
  9. 14. The level of the ocean
  10. 15. Change long-term shifts in temperature
  11. 17. Bake