Climate Change

  1. 2. type of greenhouse gases released by human activity
  2. 5. type of carbon used by plants in photosynthesis
  3. 6. volcano that erupted in indonesia causing snow to fall in june in north america
  4. 7. animal population expected to decline by two-thirds by 2050
  5. 8. planet with a thin atmosphere and no greenhouse effect
  6. 11. what will occur from ocean levels rising and intrusion of ocean water?
  7. 12. process in which plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen
  8. 15. darker areas on the suns surface
  9. 16. main proxy
  10. 17. the thin layer of gases that surround the earth
  11. 19. period of time where the earths overall surface temp is lowered enough for glaciers to form
  1. 1. frozen seawater that floats on the oceans surface
  2. 3. an underwater current fueled by the mixing of warm and cold salt water
  3. 4. a very dry and less dense layer above the troposphere
  4. 9. gas released from volcanic eruptions
  5. 10. permanent layers of ice covering a tract of land
  6. 12. indirect measurements
  7. 13. what is increasing worldwide due to melting ice sheets and thermal expansion?
  8. 14. land and ocean surface temps have done what since the industrial revolution?
  9. 18. is climate change real?