Climate change / natural disasters

  1. 4. A heavy snowfall combined with fast and powerful winds that if you're exposed to for a long time, can cause frostbite.
  2. 5. A wave of heated air, usually happens in summer.
  3. 7. A incredibly strong wind storm that is able to grow to massive sizes and cause great destruction.
  4. 8. When the tectonic plates move under the ocean they can create an earthquake which will form a huge wave.
  1. 1. This occures when all/most of the water evaporates from the land, most commonly happens in Africa because od its hot climate.
  2. 2. The movement of the tectonic plates causes the ground to shake creating an ...
  3. 3. When there's a lot of rain, the rivers can get overloaded with water and spill out of the riverbed and ... the nearby area.
  4. 6. The snow slides off of the mountain face and goes down gaining more power as it advances.