Climate Change

  1. 2. A reservoir, such as an ocean or forest, that absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores the carbon in another form
  2. 3. The layers of gases surrounding Earth
  3. 6. A reservoir, such as the ocean, that absorbs and stores thermal energy
  4. 8. The theory that Earth's continents used to be one supercontinent name Pangea
  5. 9. Any gas in the atmosphere (such as water vapour, carbo dioxide, and methane) that absorbs lower-energy infrared radiation
  6. 10. A time between ice ages when Earth warms up
  7. 11. A natural process whereby gases and clouds absorb infrared radiation emitted from Earth's surface and radiate it, heating the atmosphere and Earth's surface
  8. 12. A form of invisible lower-energy radiation
  9. 16. A form of invisible higher-energy radiation
  10. 18. A time in Earth's history when Earth is colder and much of the planet is covered in ice
  11. 19. The average of the weather in a region over a long period of time
  12. 20. A process in which the result acts to influence the original process
  13. 22. Stores of information in tree rings, ice cores, and fossils that can be measured to give clues to what the climate was in the past
  14. 23. The positive feedback loop in which an increase in Earth's temperature causes ice to melt, so more radiation is absorbed by Earth's surface, leading to further increases in temperature.
  15. 24. The energy present in the motion of particles at a particular temperature
  1. 1. current A circular current in air and other fluids caused by the rising of warm fluid as cold fluid sinks
  2. 4. Atmospheric conditions, including temperature, precipitation, wind, and humidity, in a particular location over a short period of time, such as a day or week
  3. 5. The part of the climate system made up of the solid rock, soil, and minerals of Earth's crust
  4. 7. The continuous flow of water around the world's oceans driven by differences in water temperatures and salinity
  5. 13. A recurring change in the Pacific winds and ocean currents that brings warm, moist air to the west coast of South America
  6. 14. A graphical representation of current and future climate data from a specific location
  7. 15. The theory explaining the slow movement of the large plates of Earth's crust
  8. 17. The part of the climate system that includes all water on and around Earth
  9. 21. A measure of how much of the Sun's radiation is reflected. by a surface