Climate Change

  1. 2. Coal, oil and natural gas
  2. 4. A greenhouse gas produced by cows
  3. 5. Refers to dealing with the impacts of climate change
  4. 6. Reduce, Reuse ....
  5. 8. Higher ---- may melt ice and cause oceans to expand
  6. 10. ‘refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity’
  7. 13. Introduced by the labour government
  8. 14. A green initiative used by Denmark
  9. 15. There has been a rise in
  10. 16. 20 Million Trees is a program by which country to cope with the impacts of climate change
  11. 17. The colour of the environment
  1. 1. A green initiative used by Germany
  2. 3. Mass cutting down of trees
  3. 7. To conserve for the future
  4. 9. Lengthened season, increased frequency and intensity as a result of Australias climate change eg. Black Saturday
  5. 11. Another name for climate change
  6. 12. Melting due to global warming