Climates of the World

  1. 3. little rainfall (<10"/yr) with hot days and cool nights; cacti and small shrubs
  2. 10. extremely cold and bitter winter and cold summers with constant sunlight; mosses, bushes, very short grasses, and lichens (plants that grow on rocks) during summer
  3. 11. mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers; woody bushes and short trees (ex: olive trees)
  4. 13. daily rain (80"/yr); evergreen trees, bush, and vines
  5. 14. the latitude regions where one could find tropical rainforest and tropical savanna climates
  6. 16. cold, snowy winters and warm or cool summers; broad-leaved deciduous trees, needled-leaved evergreen trees, and prairies (warm-summer)
  7. 18. tree whose leaves change colors and fall off during the fall
  1. 1. rainfall of 10-20"/yr; bushes and short grasses; often border deserts
  2. 2. highly humid with rainfall in all seasons - especially hot, humid summer; grasslands and forests
  3. 4. the latitude region where one could find humid subtropical, humid continental, Mediterranean, and Marine West-Coast climate zones
  4. 5. dry winter and wet summer; yellow grass and few barren trees during winter
  5. 6. cool summers and mild, damp winter; mixed forests of evergreen and deciduous trees with conifers
  6. 7. the higher the altitude the colder the temperature; lower altitudes have trees and higher altitudes have only ice and snow; tall mountain ranges
  7. 8. the point in elevation above which trees will not grow
  8. 9. tree whose leaves do not change color or fall off
  9. 12. extremely cold and covered in ice year-round; no soil so only plants that grow on rocks
  10. 15. cold, bitter winters and short, cool summers; needle-leaved trees
  11. 17. the latitude region where one could find arctic, tundra, and subarctic climates zones