Clue 1
- 2. Movie
- 8. Another spicy pokémon
- 10. A very small animal
- 11. Our next destination
- 12. Cute feetsies
- 14. Norwegian vegetable
- 15. A sexy pokémon
- 20. The burrito licker
- 21. Favourite bread
- 24. Your friend?
- 25. Fruit
- 26. A place in Bergen
- 28. The biggest dufus
- 29. 1st in friendship, 4th in obesity
- 1. One salty boy
- 3. A grandfather (two words in one)
- 4. Not very good at riddles
- 5. Colour
- 6. Spicy emoji
- 7. The best breakfast
- 9. The pooh
- 13. Sniff, sniff...
- 16. Nice dish
- 17. Means of transport
- 18. The secret to diluted pee
- 19. Fun to play with
- 21. Loves nonstops
- 22. The manliest man
- 23. Best enjoyed warm
- 27. Another place in Bergen